Our Tips On How To Legoland In The Summer Holidays

Published on 10 August 2023 at 16:08

As a family we are huge Legoland fans! We try to visit at least 4 times during the main theme park season and we also say in the hotel over winter when the main park is closed! 

You get a different experience depending on when you visit. Obviously if you go in term time there are less queues, it’s less busy and if you are intending on staying over it’s a lot cheaper!

If like us term time unfortunately isn’t an option and you have no choice but to brave the queues in the school holidays then this is the how -to -for you!

The first thing we would recommend to do is download the Legoland app before you even set off. It gives you information on any events , shows and most importantly queue times. You can make a list in the app of your “must do” rides and activities. Which we find really helpful and helps build the excitement!


Be Prepared For Queues

Realistically, if you’re going for the day you won’t get time to fit in everything so it’s good to have an idea of what you want to do.  

The longest queue times are for the popular rides such as: 

Flight of the sky lion

Pirate Falls Treasure Quest

LEGO® City Deep Sea Adventure

Ninjago Ride

Hydra’s Challenge

Coast Guard HQ

In the summer holidays these queue times can be up to 70 minutes or more. Everyone runs to this type of ride when the park opens so even getting there early won’t prevent having to wait In long queues. We’ve always found the end of the day is the best way to ride our must do rides! if the park is closing at 6pm join the queue at 5.45pm – there will be less people and they close the queues at 6pm not the ride.

Keeping the kids occupied In The Queues

A tip we picked up for helping keep the kids from losing their mind in the queues is Lollipops! It helps keep the kids occupied and something to do with their hands. As you can see below it also works with Dad’s too!

A lot of people bring tablets for their children to watch in queues. Which is great if that works for you but we don’t as we like to all have a screen free day and take everything in! Plus with my son he would get so into his game/video he would be waiting to get off the ride to continue in the next queue! Some of the rides have little activities next to the ride queue. For example Pirate falls has a little play park so when we are at a point in a queue where he can easily get in/out and we can seen him we let him have a little play while we stay in the queue. The Ninjago Ride has TV screens playing Lego Ninjago episodes and nearly all the rides have codes to scan and puzzle to scan at points along the queue.


Eat On The Go If You Can

There is so much choice if you want to purchase food and snacks in the park but many people bring a picnic too so don’t be put off as will save you money. We tend to purchase a hot dog just as we are about to get in a queue or before sitting down to watch a show. We are all about multitasking if it means more ride time!!


Don’t Over Look The Splash Park

There’s so much to do at Legoland and it’s so easy to miss some of the not so obvious activites. Splash Safari and Drench Towers are two of these hidden gems! Tucked away in Duplo valley they are easy to miss if you don’t have littles who are into Duplo. Splash Safari has no wait time you just walk in and join in! You do need to bring along Swimwear and towels but there are little changing rooms next to it. Legoland do say on their website kids have to be wearing swim wear or they can’t go in but in reality there are children in normal clothes! I don’t fancy a soggy child without a towel or change of clothes on the way home so we bring them just in case!



There are lots of outlets selling Lego merch around the park as you would expect. Like all theme parks you exit a ride via the gift shop a lot of the time. If you do wish to purchase I would recommend waiting until you leave and visiting the big shop at the end. They have smaller items like key rings and flags as well as the exclusive to Legoland Lego sets which can be at the expensive. We have got into a routine of buying a personalised Minifig every time we visit so although he will have a look he’s got that in his mind before we even get there he wants to do that.


Lego Minifigure Factory Experience

This is a great souvenir and a lot of fun to make. At £12.99 a figure it’s quite reasonable compared to other items you can purchase and it’s a one of a kind because you’re designing it. The only place on the park you can do this is in the main shop at entrance/exit so it’s a nice way to finish off the day. The way it works is you pay first and take your receipt over to the Minifigure maker station where they provide you with your Minifigure box. You scan your box under one of the work station screens and then you can start to create! This visit Mason decided to make himself so he got to work designing the torso. You can pick a pre designed option but Mase prefers to design his own! When you design your own you have the option to draw, add stickers and text to the figure.Once completed you can watch as the Machine prints it and the shop staff will ask you for pic out a head, hair/hat, legs and one accessory.

Once finished you are presented with your Minifig and even comes with a little Legoland Windsor Lego brick with your name on! Mason has done a mini Vlog of his experience which you can view here.


How do you Legoland in the Summer holidays? Get in touch and let us know!


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