A tale as old as time in Dunstable!
The show tells the enchanting story of Belle, played by 2022 Voice winner Anthonia Edwards and the Prince who has been transformed into a Beast by a magical enchantress, played by Union J’s Jaymi Hensley. The Beast must find his true love before the last petal from the enchanted rose falls in order to reverse the curse.
Bring the laughs again this year in the role of Belle’s Mother, Madame Fillop is brilliant Will Kenning. This is Will’s 7th Panto at the Grove and this year he is joined by I’m a celeb star Joe swash who is hilarious in the role of Phillipe (or flip flop), Belle’s Brother.
Now, there is no real bady in this Panto but you are encouraged to Boo Christopher Eramus’s Danton initially - mid way though you kind of warm to him though! As do the other characters and he fits in beautifully with the comedic rhythms of both Kenning and Swosh.
Helping the character's along the way in the role of Cupid, is Alison Jiear. Alison adds to the already strong vocal talent of this show and is a phenomenal!
What we really loved about this Panto is although we all have the idea of the basic storyline, it brought its own twist! Belle is very much a hero not a damsel in distress who needs saving by a handsome prince! Anthonia’s Belle is both beautiful and a feminist!! What’s not to love about that!!
Every cast member from the headliners to the ensemble was outstanding!! We just couldn’t get over how much talent was in this year’s Panto. Everyone’s performance was so strong that it’s impossible to pick a stand out! Actually having said that, My lovely mother in law may not agree...she got high fived by Joe Swash and now says she’s never going to washing her hand again!
As always, this year’s Grove Panto is a spectacular show with the perfect mix of humour, storytelling, strong performances, and of course audience participation! If you haven’t see the show there is still time! The show finishes on 5th January! Booking is also now open for next years Panto Peter Pan!
For More Info Click Here
*Photo Credit Everyones Theatre
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